Sunday, June 04, 2006

I was feeling so happy till Sharon came home...

Vanessa: My not being Matt Hughes, Ultimate Fighting Champion and the man above there backstage in Vegas with Cindy. (The first picture vanished, which is why I uploaded it again.)

Cindy: X-Men: The Last Stand. Not as good as the first two, but not down there with Daredevil or Blade Trinity either.

Vanessa: Rent. £200 per two weeks from now until out of here.

Cindy: Still leaves £175 over, and when I finally finish off paying off what I owe the lenders at work...
Vanessa: Losing two-and-a-half days' wages on account of being ill.

Cindy: Over The Hedge. A vast improvement on Madagascar, and proof that something with Avril Lavigne can in fact be fun.

Vanessa: Sharon, for thwarting my attempt to watch The O.C. by coming back. And for being a bit irritating with her slight nagging.

Cindy: The MTV Movie Awards. Cheers to Jessica, if not Wedding Crashers. And since I want to end this on a positive note...

1 comment:

Butch Rosser said...

I see what you're saying, but Matt Hughes is one of the baddest mofos walking the Blue Orb today. I just think you're too relaxed and nice to pull off a proper aura of menace. :-d

(I could do it, but only in occassional 2-minute periods.)