This blog is not affiliated in any way with Cindy Crawford. Even if she is its de facto inspiration. It's also not affiliated in any way with Hayden Panettiere, who's earned joint top billing on this blog because she makes me happy. And that ain't easy.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Reixedyri, Cindy and Hayden.
IM catchers kept alerting me to someone called "Reixedyri." I thought it was another piece of spam. It turned out to be Mike's new ID... which serves me right. Anyway, we're now back in touch. Reixeyri is his name translated into another language - he'll enlighten you if you ask him.
And now, a bit more of Miss Crawford and (because I said I would) Miss Panettiere.
how can i get your email address? thanks
how can i get your email address? thanks
sorry for repeating that..
I remember those times!
It was amusing in a way, but now we're in touch! :)
Oooh, Panettiere!
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