Saturday, December 04, 2004

I hate, I like, I hate, I like...

I hate Abbey National. No wonder they stopped using "Because life's complicated enough" in their ads - they make it more complicated themselves.

I like Varese Sarabande. And if the music for Elektra is as good as what Christophe Beck did for Buffy the Vampire Slayer I'll love them even more.

I hate the Christmas TV schedules. Especially on terrestrial TV. (Not least on C4 - 100 Greatest TV Treats my foot.)

I like Marisa Miller. For obvious reasons.

I hate Johnny Vaughan. Well, actually I hate people who constantly employ the man - you'd think people would have noticed by now that he actively repels audiences.

I like buying steak and kidney pie and chips with salt and vinegar, and lots of chocolate bars each week. Or at least I did until I was diagnosed with diabetes. (Happily not the more serious brand, but...) Now I've reduced significantly.

I hate the 232 bus route. Alas, it's the only one that takes me to work. :(

I like weekends.

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