Friday, February 10, 2006

That four tag thing...

Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Making cookies in a short-lived working-from-home thing.
2. Working in a furniture/hardware store until I was fired.
3. Observing a carpark.
4. This direct mail lark, which I've been doing since 1994...

Four Movies I Watch Over And Over Again:
These are movies I could watch and have watched repeatedly, though not necessarily any time recently:
1. Beauty and the Beast.
2. Back to the Future.
3. Die Hard.
4. Fair Game. :)

Four Places I've Lived.
1. Harrow, London.
2. St. Michael, Barbados.
3. Neasden, London.
4. Harrow, London.

Four TV Shows I Watch.
1. The Simpsons.
2. Charmed.
3. Surface.
4. Gilmore girls.

Four Places I've Vacationed.
1. St. Kitt's-Nevis.
2. Luxembourg.
3. Barbados.
4. Antigua.

Four Websites I Visit Daily.
1. Film Score Magazine.
2. The Guardian.
3. Digital Spy.
4. Egotastic!

Four Of My Favourite Foods.
1. Steak and kidney pie.
2. Sausages.
3. Mulligatawny.
4. Burger King XL Double Whoppers with Cheese. :)

Four Places I'd Like To Be Right Now.
1. At home, instead of being at work.
2. In a cinema.
3. In France, or somewhere else in Europe.
4. Being very, very close with Cindy Crawford. ;)

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