Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The A Lot More Than 35 People Agree Post.

In a 1991 Pepsi commercial, supermodel Cindy Crawford steps out of a red Lamborghini at a remote roadside rest stop. Wearing a white tank top and denim cut-off shorts, she flicks her hair and saunters over to a vending machine, where she buys--and drinks--a can of ice-cold Pepsi. She's oblivious to the two young boys who are watching, spellbound.

The Pepsi commercial, which was created by Omnicom agency BBDO and last aired during the Super Bowl 17 years ago, was rated as the sexiest TV commercial among 35 viewed by eight judges from the advertising industry.

So sayeth Forbes.com (also making the cut: ads for Levi's with Daniela Pestova, Calvin Klein with Brooke Shields - yes, that one - and, of course, beer and perfume spots).
The complete article is here.

The original...

...and the remake.

Sure they were looking at the Pepsi can, in either version. Sure they were.

1 comment:

Justin Fallible said...

Both of these commercials bring back fond memories, thanks for posting these.