It was a very good year for discovering that there were more people who bought the wares of Varese Sarabande and Intrada and La-La Land and so on. And for discovering that there was actually a magazine for people interested in such things, the wonderful Film Score Monthly. Now this was what I was talking about... Lukas Kendall, R. Mike Murray, Jeff Bond and the rest were regulars in my reading material from then on. Even when it eventually stopped being monthly, and became Film Score Magazine.
Of all the magazines I ever bought, or subscribed to when it became hard to get hold of in London (if this is the world's greatest city, why are there hardly any soundtrack stores here, eh?), this is the only one that I have every issue of since I started getting it back in 1993, even unto buying every available back issue to fill the gaps. So it was not a pleasure when it was announced that the next print issue will be the last; now there's only Music from the Movies left (Soundtrack! expired some time ago), which isn't the same. True, the website as linked to below will continue, but...
Sweetening the blow? All subscribers get one free CD per three issues or part thereof remaining on their subscription - FSM moved into soundtrack production a few years ago, and it's now a major part of their bread-and-butter. So bags me The Appointment (with the rejected score, the used score, and the television rescore) and The Egyptian (the Batman Begins of its day inasmuch as it was a teaming of two A-list composers). And then more of their stuff, before they eventually run out (they only do limited runs of everything).
As to why there's a link to Hayden Panettiere and Paris Hilton - well, it's my blog...
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