Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Cindy Spot: POP Magazine

Cindy's photo shoots aren't as plentiful nowadays, but when she does one the results are well worth it. We've already had that terrific one for Vogue, and now POP (the issue with Drew Barrymore on the cover) has a 20-page black-and-white/colour layout featuring Cindy in suburbia.

And oiled down.

And dressed in a manner more Edie Britt than Lynette Scavo.

And washing the car in a black bikini.

And lying on a sofa topless.

And finishing by having her name tattooed on her behind by a gentleman with almost no hair. (You don't suppose this man might know something about it, do you?)

Beat that, Scarlett Johansson.


Jen61377 said...

Evil thing, that. It's a pity nobody thought to put word verification on their blog; otherwise those "comments" could be avoided.

Oh, wait...I DID put word verification in. No wonder I never get people selling me things on my blog. ;-)

This post, by the way, is useless without pics. NOW.

Cindylover1969 said...

NOW? Who do you think I am, the Amazing Mumford?

As soon as I can find them online, expect a followup. :)