Tuesday, July 12, 2005

On a lighter note; Jessica Inc.?

While I don't fill this up with my NC-17/18-certificate rantings as much as the man who lives on Drury Lane does, from time to time it can't be held back. This is not one of those times, but it IS time for a bit of musing.

It might be time to introduce Jessica Marie Alba into the Hall of Fame. She's not likely to be up for any Oscars or Golden Bears any time soon (if ever), but the possibility of her earning a warm place in male devotions (yes, okay Jen, and some female ones) for years to come should not be ruled out; she's been barraged with critical complaints acting-wise for both Dark Angel and Honey as well as Fantastic Four (though in all three cases not universally), and if they didn't stop her then it's unlikely to help now. Of course, being sinfully sexy helps. (As well as being quite engaging in interviews, suggesting that if she isn't constantly sweetness, she is nonetheless quite likeable.)

She also has all the accoutrements - the eye-burning when someone says "Actually I don't fancy her"; the unwillingness to read further reviews; the picture-pasting... it's all there. That, coupled with not as much of Cindy around as I'd like, has had me wondering if Jessica might not be the one to claim the #1 spot... I really hope not. But letting her into that small clique of women who rank higher than the others? For sure.

My little sister accused me of liking Jennifer Beals - I deny it to this day. But Rosanna Arquette? Paula Abdul? Mariah Carey? Cindy? And yes, Jessica? Yep, HoF-ers all.

I smell a list...


Butch Rosser said...

If ANYBODY'S going to be the proprietor of JessInc...

Cindylover1969 said...

KS - No, I'm not changing my name. It doesn't flow, for a start. Plus I'm not that fickle...

MM - I guess that's true.

THBR - Don't worry, it's not going to happen. I won't mess in your nest, you don't mess in mine.