Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A ray of sunshine

In a world chock full of news that's either bad (murders up the ying-yang) or tiresome (plot developments on EastEnders is not news, people!) or both (pleasepleaseplease SHUTUPABOUTTHE FRICKINGOLYMPICS!), it's a delight to get news that actually makes me happy. Yesterday, I got such news.

On Monday, the wonderful Jennifer and her beloved Rachel got married by that marvellous invention, a liberal priest. Since this is Bush's America we're talking about it's not a legally binding marriage (not that it would be over here either, alas), but they're married in the eyes of right-thinking people. This is one wedding I'd have happily attended; my congratulations and love to the happy couple. There's hope for us all.


Jen61377 said...


Thanks, Victor. :-)

Butch Rosser said...

I think you're slightly inflating that "there's hope for us all"; I mean, hot bi brunettes who'll suffer through one's obsession with sports, like ass play and costumes aren't exactly growing on trees.

I keep trying to do it but apparently the branches can't hold that much weight and they keep falling to their deaths. One of these days, though...

Cindylover1969 said...

Try leaving mattresses at the base of the tree to about a height of twenty feet. You should be able to catch them safely when they break loose.

And jen... 'twas my pleasure. As well as yours, I bet.